
Hazard CTC Campus


Contact Us Today 800.246.7521

Hazard students jumping in hall

At HCTC we've created a learning environment for you, and your unique needs and aspirations.

We offer programs and courses that are relevant to you and your future job, and that fit into your busy life. Whether your goal is to graduate work ready or to complete a four-year degree, where here to support, encourage and help you on your path toward a better education.

So, believe in yourself and your potential. Look beyond today's reality and imagine how much better tomorrow can be, and realize that we can help you reach those dreams.

HCTC at a Glance

Current Student Enrollment

Current Student Enrollment


Part-Time Students

Part Time Students


Full Time Students


Students Receiving Financial Aid


HCTC Campuses



Hazard Campus
One Community College Dr
Hazard, KY 41701

Lees College Campus
601 Jefferson Ave.
Jackson, KY 41339

Technical Campus
101 Vo-Tech Drive
Hazard, KY 41701

Allied Health
UKCHR Bailey-Stumbo Building
750 Morton Blvd.
Hazard, KY 41701

Leslie County Center
108 Maples Ave.
Hyden, KY 41749

Knott County Branch
238 Highway 160
Hindman, KY 41822